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    Houston Copwatch serves notice to school cops
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Wednesday October 02 2002 @ 07:41AM PDT
    The Police State A new local organization has sent a letter to over 20 law enforcement organizations -- including several with jurisdiction over public school districts -- informing them that Copwatch will be monitoring police on the streets. [...]
    ( read more -- comment ) Link: www.houstoncopwatch.org

    WMD and the Deadly Connection: Proliferation and the World Capitalist System
    posted by Marko Beljac on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 07:57PM PDT
    Anti-war WMD and the Deadly Connection;

    Proliferation and the World Capitalist System

    There exists two types of terrorism; the type we like and the type we don't like. The type we like is the type that we, by which I mean the West, and our various clients and proxies, commit. The type we don't like [...]

    ( read more -- comment )  

    LA: Anarchist Anti-War Conference October 25-27
    posted by Nightwalker on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 07:18PM PDT
    Anarchist Movement, Groups and Organizations Information and schedule for an upcoming anti-war conference in Los Angeles. [...]
    ( read more -- comment ) Link: http://www.wearepower.org

    'HOOD WINKED: Arthur Capper residents to be screwed by HOPE VI
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 06:06PM PDT
    Washington, DC - One Big Cop By most accounts, Stephen Davis should have been thrilled when he heard the news in the summer of 2001. The D.C. Housing Authority (DCHA) planned to tear down the "deteriorating buildings" that make up the public-housing complex where Davis resides and replace them with a mix of brand-new, tastefully designed town houses and apartment buildings, a new community center, and services for residents such as job training and computer classes. [...]
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    Radio killed the radio star
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 06:02PM PDT
    Media Monopoly Oct. 1, 2002 | When I learned last spring that protesters were organizing demonstrations at the September convention of the National Association of Broadcasters in Seattle, I knew I should be there. The NAB-backed deregulation of the radio industry in 1996 helped sink the small but legendary radio trade magazine I worked at earlier this year, so I had a lot of time on my hands. [...]
    ( read more -- comment )  

    An Irish Anarchist in the Northeast
    posted by northeastern anarchist on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 03:55PM PDT
    Anarchist Movement, Groups and Organizations Reflections on the North American Anarchist Movement [...]
    ( read more (15 comments) )  

    Voices of Anarchist Union Organizers
    posted by Northeastern Anarchist on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 03:38PM PDT
    Labor I asked a few folks to tell me a little about themselves and their views on organizing for unions. These six people identify as either an anarchist (with or without adjectives) or as an anti-authoritarian (an anarchist that doesn't know it yet!). They all work as union organizers or have worked as union organizers. [...]
    ( read more (13 comments) )  

    Boston: 17 buildings hit downtown
    posted by Flint on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 02:07PM PDT
    Labor After weeks of simmering tensions, hundreds of Boston area janitors began their strike last night at 17 downtown office buildings and more than a dozen in the suburbs, and threatened to stay out until they receive better pay and health benefits.


    ( read more (2 comments) ) Link: http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/274/nation/Janitors_start_their_strike+.shtml

    Bush's Name Game: Making a List & Checking It Twice
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 01:57PM PDT
    The State The Men in Charge are making lists again. Lists of Americans who may not fly on airplanes. Lists of Americans who visit libraries, and what books they read. Lists of Americans who attend protests, and lists of Americans with names similar to the names of convicted felons, or who were born around the same time. [...]
    ( read more -- comment )  

    On the Road Again: IMF/World Bank Protests Show a Revived Movement for Global Justice
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 01:52PM PDT
    Anti-Capitalist Movement Having lost the possibility of surprise in the days after the Seattle, the Global Justice Movement's cacophony of voices was successful with the theatre of bringing its message to the world. A coalition of debt reduction activists, anarchists, pagans, queer/AIDS activists made their presence known for the weekend of protests. Activists barely got off the ground on Friday morning before facing police. Around 9 am, forty members of the Pagan Cluster were arrested at the Blake Building on K St. just down from the intersection of 17th St. Their march had started quiet and peacefully in Dupont Circle. Police moved in as the cluster danced, chanted, and weaving a circle around the intersection of K & 17. Blowing bubbles, chanting, drumming, dancing, the cluster watched the police surrounded them, blocking the sidewalks in front, the sidewalks in back. [...]
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    Criminalization of Dissent in U.S. Capitol
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 01:43PM PDT
    Fascism The growing trend of diminishing civil liberties reared its head in Washington D.C. this past weekend. The protests against the World Bank and IMF on Saturday, September 28 were statuatorially permitted and there were few arrests in contrast to Friday's actions. However, a number of protesters remain in jail, and jail solidarity actions are continuing. [...]
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    Washington: Demand the release of PEOPLES STRIKE ARRESTEES!
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 01:36PM PDT
    Anarchists in Trouble Three women remain in jail from the arrests on Friday with Failure to Obey charges. The women went through arrainment without giving their names and have now been sent to jail (general population) until their court date Friday. [...]
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    Lavatory and Liberty
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 12:22PM PDT
    Labor IN HIS NEVER-ENDING quest for control of the workplace, Henry Ford confronted many foes, but none as wily or rebellious as the human digestive tract. Hoping to tame what he called the body's ''disassembly line,'' Ford wheeled lunch wagons into his auto plant in Highland Park, Mich., and forced workers to wolf down a 10-minute sandwich on the job. So industrialized was ingestion at the plant that workers growled about their ''Ford stomach.'' But where Ford sought to speed up the meal's entrance into the body, his successors - from store managers in the Midwest to fashion moguls in New York - have concentrated on slowing down its exit. [...]
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    The case for regime change
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 11:54AM PDT
    Weird and Offbeat News NEW YORK - Making the case for United Nations intervention against the United States, Iranian President Mohammad Khatami has told the organization that military action will be "unavoidable" unless the US agrees to destroy its weapons of mass destruction. [...]
    ( read more (2 comments) )  

    One pagan's experience on 9/27/02
    posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 07:48AM PDT
    Anti-Capitalist Movement This is an account of my experience in Washington on Friday, 9/27/02. [...]
    ( read more (1 comment) ) Link: www.avoiceforfreedom.com

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